This is what happens when you buy something on impulse without fully checking out what you are buying lol. My brother is a huge fan of Tails The Fox so when I got an email for this advent calendar/build a figure kit it seemed perfect. Figuring it was going to be a small box kinda thing I just clicked buy and didn’t think anything of
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Ohhhh Tails 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️
I’m talking about Sonic Forces. I’m a die hard Sonic Fan so when I was recommended this game, I couldn’t pass it by. Yes, it’s still a cash cow of a game, with far too much pay to win content for my liking. But I love the game play. It’s simple, it’s addictive, it’s fun. And I love the events they run. It’s great to...
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Certainly around my place of work where all the Christmas Decorations are going up. It’s one thing to enjoy seeing all the Christmas Banners and snowflakes decorating the building. It’s quite another to put them up. I should know, that’s what I’ve been doing for the past week. It’s been a Herculean task. Wouldn’t have been so bad if Management hadn’t insisted I put up...
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…in a comercial sense at any rate. Don’t get me wrong. I love Christmas. And I’d love for the holiday to last longer. Working in Retail the best I get is four days off. That’s the name of the game though. What does bug me is the rampant commercialism that surrounds Christmas. It seems like each year we start selling Christmas goods earlier and earlier....
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The splint brace I got from the doctor is helping. At least it’s preventing me from moving my wrist too much. If not using my arm. Almost 40 years of ingrained instincts to use my right arm are proving difficult to overcome. So I’ve purchased a sling to try to support my arm and restrict my use of it. And it’s starting to do some...
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Hope you get better soon 💜

Putting it simply I’ve really done a number on my writing hand. Or wrist to be exact. Not sure exactly what I’ve done to cause it but in my somewhat newish first aid medical opinion, I think I’ve damaged a tendon in my right wrist.

Something that work last night hasn’t helped with to be honest. Running around putting up posters and new promotional materials...
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I wish you a speedy recovery ❤️
@rare @alexislust thank you both so very much

Something I’ve not really thought about before but just come to realise is I kinda have a little bit of a thing for Dystopian fantasy. Not the point where I’d call it a kink or anything but doing a little bit of a tally, I’ve got a few of them ticking around the back of my brain. You could say it dips a little into...
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Not exactly around the corner I know but since my place of work is going to be selling the first wave of Halloween goodies this week, I figured today was a good day to get to thinking about my Halloween costume for this year. It’s going to be adding to a few items I picked up some years back to create a custom made fantasy...
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I’m coming to the end of my managerial secondment, about two working weeks left before I give up the jacket and go back to rank and file. While it’s not been an absolutely flawless performance, on the whole I think it went well. Learned a lot, certainly. Now that I’m looking at the other end, I’m also looking at the future. And back to my...
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Seriously…I should. I really should. I end up creeping myself out to varying degrees. Often the mistake I make is letting my morbid curiosity get the better of me and looking up an article or video on the Black Death or something. Now..it’s not the fear of getting sick that bothers me or prays on my mind. That I could deal with. More than once...
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