…and I’ve honestly never been more glad about that. It’s never really been my scene, I don’t do well with crowded social situations. 20 or more people crowded onto that condensed space. Conversations I’d not really know how to get into. It’s stressful. This time I’m glad I didn’t go for a different reason. Someone had to stay sober. And pretty much everyone came out of it on some scale of drunk. Even the managers. And I was left holding things together while they partied. And they want me to go next year? No thanks.
More Blogs
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Summer Days…Halcyon Days
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Been stuck in a routine recently
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Mid Year Break coming up
This has to be my favourite time of the year, without a doubt. The … -
Fools rush in…
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Finally got around to watching Let There Be Carnage…
…and I’m not sure I’m enjoying it as much as I did the first movie.…