…and I’ve honestly never been more glad about that. It’s never really been my scene, I don’t do well with crowded social situations. 20 or more people crowded onto that condensed space. Conversations I’d not really know how to get into. It’s stressful. This time I’m glad I didn’t go for a different reason. Someone had to stay sober. And pretty much everyone came out of it on some scale of drunk. Even the managers. And I was left holding things together while they partied. And they want me to go next year? No thanks.
More Blogs
Summer is getting closer
Certainly can’t help that thought if I look out the window. Maybe n… -
Been away for a while and glad to be back
Not that life has been difficult or anything, just had some unexpec… -
Seems my grace period ends in about two weeks
I’ve been getting nothing but congratulations on my new development… -
What defines you as a person?
I’ve been doing a lot of introspection recently and this question j… -
Well..the grace period is over.
Not that that is a bad thing. Just recapping this last week I’ve ma… -
I’ve been promoted…
Well…kinda promoted. It’s more a Team Manager Development Role rather… -
Opportunity Knocks it seems…
…well, it certainly is looking that way. What had started out as si… -
RIP Jason David Frank
I’m still in shock from hearing this; that David Jason Frank of Pow… -
Having a burst of nostalgia here.
Nostalgia over being ill, can you say you’ve ever heard of such a t… -
Funny how after dodging Covid for 2 years, I’m taken out by the commo…
I guess an argument could be made here that simply by social distan…