Putting it simply I’ve really done a number on my writing hand. Or wrist to be exact. Not sure exactly what I’ve done to cause it but in my somewhat newish first aid medical opinion, I think I’ve damaged a tendon in my right wrist.
Something that work last night hasn’t helped with to be honest. Running around putting up posters and new promotional materials and stressing a little over getting it done meant I might have pushed myself and my damaged wrist a little too hard. Today my arm has swollen up, still hurts when I move it even the slightest and is pretty much useless.
If you guys want a fun day, try strapping your dominant arm to your body and do everything with your other arm. It’s not fun. I maybe should have done that cause I kept using my it on instinct.
That does mean writing is not being as quick as it usually is. I can still write but it’s unnatural and way slower. Tomorrow if it’s not improved I’m gonna get it checked out, make sure it’s nothing serious.