I’ve been doing a lot of introspection recently and this question just popped into my head. There are things we do and things we feel and believe, but which of those are core to us as a person? For me, I’m a writer. That’s a given as not just something I do, but something I can do. My talent or calling, I guess you could say. The one thing in life I’d like to be known for being and being good at. Maybe better than good. I’d hesitate to use the word renowned or famous, but I’d like to be known for it.
As for what I believe, kindness is key to the world. Especially when others don’t always think or act the same. Which is a hard learned lesson in some ways. I thought the only way to deal with that was to respond in kind. Which doesn’t work, it just leaves me amped and frustrated as well. So now I just let it wash over me and not bother me. Anything else just adds more pain to the world. And there is too much of that these days. So..be kind and don’t say anything you wouldn’t want said to you. That’s a creed I’m trying to live by, rather than the extremes of personality i have. I’m either really shy and quiet or when pushed far enough, I can have a really sharp tongue on me. So I try to hold the middle ground when I can, using both of those when I need them. Ying and Yang kinda thinking.