Which might sound like a good thing, only it’s more a routine I’ve gotten into without really thinking about it. I’m all for the kinda routine where you get up early and pound the pavement or hit the punching bag or bash out some writing before breakfast. This isn’t that kinda routine. I’d almost call it a rut in a way. I really need to shake up my evenings and get back to doing stuff, real world stuff. I want to get out and meet people, heck, meet girls really. These last few years have been romantically rather dry. So I’m following as many social and singles groups as I can, seeing what comes up. I’d rather not fall back on my fall back of speed dating. Which I can’t believe is still a thing. That’s like decades old. I can’t believe someone hasn’t come up with an alternative.
More Blogs
Roll on my Summer Holiday
Funny how as soon as you are back at work from a holiday, you want … -
I’m looking at my studies of Kung Fu in a different light
Ask me why I was learning Martial Arts even two months ago and I’d … -
Been on something of a writing roll recently.
Not that I often struggle with my writing projects. Yet there is on… -
RIP Bernard Hill
Another celebrity loss that has kinda snuck up on me. While not a f… -
Had some very sound advice today.
After some long months I had the pleasure of another lesson with my… -
I’m not a naturally passionate person
I have passions of course. And things I’m passionate about. Give me… -
Kink vs Fetish - just had my mind blown
Had anyone asked me, after a good few drinks I don’t mind admitting… -
Finally..a movie I’m psyched about
I’m talking about the long awaited Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. Hone… -
Disappointed by the lack of original movies coming out recently.
Seriously, what happened to all the original and unique movie ideas… -