Which might sound like a good thing, only it’s more a routine I’ve gotten into without really thinking about it. I’m all for the kinda routine where you get up early and pound the pavement or hit the punching bag or bash out some writing before breakfast. This isn’t that kinda routine. I’d almost call it a rut in a way. I really need to shake up my evenings and get back to doing stuff, real world stuff. I want to get out and meet people, heck, meet girls really. These last few years have been romantically rather dry. So I’m following as many social and singles groups as I can, seeing what comes up. I’d rather not fall back on my fall back of speed dating. Which I can’t believe is still a thing. That’s like decades old. I can’t believe someone hasn’t come up with an alternative.
More Blogs
Holiday Extension - whoo hooo
Normally I’m not a fan of my boss contacting me when I’m on holiday… -
Gonna need something new to watch on Prime
I’ve been burning my way through Mythbusters on Prime, having made … -
Everyone must face their fears
If there is one thing I have learned from my recent forays into the… -
Man, I’m ready to get my weekends back.
working every Sunday was one thing during my secondment and I was r… -
Man, I’m so done with this heat.
I know that we don’t get heat here in England that can really match… -
Halloween is just around the corner.
Well…in a sense of the year going by anyway. It’s the next big even… -
What makes a good story?
As a writer I’ve often wrestled with the question of what makes a g… -
Summer is here and I’m loving it
The sun is out in full force over here and we have already had a mi… -
Well…my birthday is coming up
Not something you’d think I’d need reminding about but seems a coup…