And honestly, I’m not as nervous as I thought I would be. Yeah, I’m sure I will be a little nervous when it actually comes to it. This whole time does feel different, like there are actually expectations this time. Not vague goals and objectives, but actual business goals. Even if they aren’t passed down to me, I need to have tangible proof of how...
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Congratulations!  And you’ll do exactly that and kick ass at it, too.

Have to say this came out better than I expected. The look of the uniform is spot on. Sure, I had to adjust the collar a bit so it wasn’t too loose but that’s a minor niggle. I’ve wanted an updated Star Trek Uniform for years and this was worth the wait. This time I’ve gone with the uniform of a Lieutenant Commander in the Science Division, appropriate given my uocoming position at work perhaps since it could be argued I’ve kinda obtained than rank. Anyway, I’m definitely going to grab some more to expand my collection.


There has been a lot of back and forth over if I was to make some additions to the fantasy warrior costume I went with last year or try something new but the decision was clinched when I came across a really cool Star Trek Uniform. Until now the only one I had has been from TNG command/red so I wanted to shake things up...
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While I expected to get another chance to prove myself in a management role at work, I expected to have to actually work to get it rather than just being offered it. I suppose it could be argued that I’ve earned it with my recent willing attitude that has caught the eye of our new Deputy Branch Manager. Yet I expected to have to actually...
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That's great news. I wish you success in your new assignment. You'll have to work hard. I believe you'll do well. You've been noticed for a reason 💪
I’ll have to yes. I kinda drifted through the first one and didn’t take as much advantage of it as I could. So good advice.

While the year isn’t done yet and I’ve made some progress on that front, I can just let things slide and coast out the rest of the year. There is still plenty time to make some progress and get my next steps going. Top amongst those will be to get myself enrolled on some courses to improve my Managerial skills. While that’s not where I...
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Well..not quite but it’s the first of October so that means Halloween is a lot closer. Or seems a lot closer anyway. Trouble is I haven’t been able to find a costume I like yet. Or create I should say. For the past year I’ve been trying to put together a fantasy warrior costume and while I’ve got the start of it, I don’t feel...
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…well, more of a scuttled ship if I can stretch the naval metaphor. Without getting too in depth to the rather boring details of corporate money saving decisions of my employer let’s just say a small premises they own is being closed down and most of the staff, managers included, have jumped ship and swam away. Which is where I come in. The few remaining...
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Normally I’m not a fan of my boss contacting me when I’m on holiday. Or when he is on holiday, but that is a whole different story. This time though I’m willing to make an exception since he is asking me to switch my Sunday shift to a Wednesday, which basically means I get an extra day of holiday. What’s not to like about that?

Congratulations on the extra days off! ❤️
Luxurious place ❤️