Wellington and Palmy were a blast. Yes, thats right, i said that I, the one who dislikes everything below the bombays, said he had a blast being out of town.
We made good time to Wellington. We left auckland at 10:00 and arrived at The Valve at 19:00. Thats right, 9 hours to in a van with 8 people and a trailer with all the back line.
I have to admit i felt about out of place playing that night. It may have been the short black, long black, redbull & vodka and the V the helped but i'm certain it was more to do with all the metal/hardcore kids there and the fact that no matter how much screaming i do in Los Muertos we were by far the softest of the bands on the bill.
Wellington always brings me good breakfasts and great shopping. This time was no different. We all congregated at Epic and ate feasted like broke kings of the musical variety. Real Groovy Wellington is better than Real Groovy Auckland, I dont know why, but i always find cool stuff there. This time i picked up the new Finch album, the Scary Kids Scaring Kids ep and the coolest boxset ever. That's right my metal fiends, i found me the Slayer Soundtrack To The Apocalypse boxset for 40% off. Now, i know that even with the discount it was a weeks worth of rent, but i had to do it. Mark told me so.
Palmy was rainy and shitty, sorta like every other time i've been there. The hostel we stayed at was ran by some grumpy old bitch. The liquor store was close and the gig we played at was on the top of some hill on the edge of town. I think I had the most fun playing in a long time. No stage, a thrown together PA, loads of booze and a nice vibe.
I dont remember much after we played as the tequilia, beer and borboun had taking care of that. The video footage is supposed to be stunning and there is some nudity. My mother is sure to not approve of this and i can only imagine my blatent disregard for clothing and comfort of my peers is why i've been sick all week.
Once again i find myself struggling with motivation and all i can think of is bustin' some caps in some nigga's asses. Time to avoid doing things and play some grand theft auto san andreas..
Oh yeah, SLAYER!!!
We made good time to Wellington. We left auckland at 10:00 and arrived at The Valve at 19:00. Thats right, 9 hours to in a van with 8 people and a trailer with all the back line.
I have to admit i felt about out of place playing that night. It may have been the short black, long black, redbull & vodka and the V the helped but i'm certain it was more to do with all the metal/hardcore kids there and the fact that no matter how much screaming i do in Los Muertos we were by far the softest of the bands on the bill.
Wellington always brings me good breakfasts and great shopping. This time was no different. We all congregated at Epic and ate feasted like broke kings of the musical variety. Real Groovy Wellington is better than Real Groovy Auckland, I dont know why, but i always find cool stuff there. This time i picked up the new Finch album, the Scary Kids Scaring Kids ep and the coolest boxset ever. That's right my metal fiends, i found me the Slayer Soundtrack To The Apocalypse boxset for 40% off. Now, i know that even with the discount it was a weeks worth of rent, but i had to do it. Mark told me so.
Palmy was rainy and shitty, sorta like every other time i've been there. The hostel we stayed at was ran by some grumpy old bitch. The liquor store was close and the gig we played at was on the top of some hill on the edge of town. I think I had the most fun playing in a long time. No stage, a thrown together PA, loads of booze and a nice vibe.
I dont remember much after we played as the tequilia, beer and borboun had taking care of that. The video footage is supposed to be stunning and there is some nudity. My mother is sure to not approve of this and i can only imagine my blatent disregard for clothing and comfort of my peers is why i've been sick all week.
Once again i find myself struggling with motivation and all i can think of is bustin' some caps in some nigga's asses. Time to avoid doing things and play some grand theft auto san andreas..
Oh yeah, SLAYER!!!
Finch and Scary Kids, Scaring Kids...Fill me in? And not in an anal way, in a musical, who the fuck are these bands way!
Rent. $150. Own bathroom, upstairs, east-side.