Well I left for a couple of months, mostly because I am poor, but then I got a "we missed you, here's a discount offer" email, so here I am once again smile

I really missed the Photography group. It's my favorite photography group anywhere on the net.. so much useful info & inspiring stuff. It's great to be back!

That happened to me too. I tend to miss the site after a while
I came back too smile
Enjoying Deadbolt's latest album! biggrin

I'm back.. again!
Um. Is it just me, or is this place reeeally quiet nowadays? frown
Well, I've applied for a photographer's assistant job. They didn't specify whether it's paid work or not though, which I need, so we'll see.

Strange Boutique - Happy Birthday Wanda June. I can't get this song out of my head!

hey stranger!!!!! good luck on the gig... i'm sure you'll do great love
So I've been banned from tagging for three months, because I accidentally pasted a few words into the tag box (just nonsense search results that were in the clipboard, and I couldn't see them when I submitted because they were on the next line). Despite the fact that I realized straight afterward and apologized to admin within five minutes. And this was the first time...
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Well, I haven't updated in a while because nothing much has happened at all. I am still alive though, I think.
Handy to know.
I'm back! Well I was only gone for a week or so.. some fucker cloned my debit card so I had to cancel it. They had attempted to spend hundreds in the UK and US, so it was caught pretty quickly.

I've been playing a lot of Quake 2 multiplayer lately.. I don't play games often, but Q2 is one of my favourites, the newer...
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welcome back sir!
Thanks smile
Sorry to hear about your card, that really sucks. Quake 2 and KMFDM are definitely a great combo.
I have nothing much to say, but I haven't updated in aaages so I'm going to do one of those annoying pointless posts:

Mmm, chocolate swiss roll.