Sunday Sep 18, 2005 Sep 18, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email if you haven't seen it already, i suggest you go read Olivia's journal. Clears up a lot of things. VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS pureblu12225: about the behind the scenes of SG but thanx to you now I'm not Sep 22, 2005 fenstar: like them, they're rockin the only trouble is deciding which ones to use thanks for the vouch, can't wait to get in and finally see what this group is all about. I'd love to meet some people at meet ups and things. Widen the circle of friends so to speak Sep 22, 2005
the only trouble is deciding which ones to use
thanks for the vouch, can't wait to get in and finally see what this group is all about. I'd love to meet some people at meet ups and things. Widen the circle of friends so to speak