I'm off work from now until next wednesday, yay! its the first time in like two years that i've had more than a couple of days off.
BUT ARGHHGGH i have a really bad cold and i've gone deaf in my left ear, it needs syringing.. it happens to me every few years, so i gotta go to the doctors tomorrow, and the dentist on thursday. my friend kate is coming to stay for a few days on friday though, havent seen her in aaages so it'll be good
BUT ARGHHGGH i have a really bad cold and i've gone deaf in my left ear, it needs syringing.. it happens to me every few years, so i gotta go to the doctors tomorrow, and the dentist on thursday. my friend kate is coming to stay for a few days on friday though, havent seen her in aaages so it'll be good
hope things have turned to the better for your bday
Take echinaecea (sp?) and lots of zinc and vitamin C!