I am officially done with men!
for not calling the next day
for not calling ever
for thinking with your dick
for changing your feelings from one day to another
for being self-centered
for not knowing how to spell
for scratching every 5 minutes
for calling women "bitches"
for not PMSing
for your scriptless action movies
for not aiming when peeing
for having no fashion sense
for your stupid pick-up lines
for not holding my hand
the only good ones are gay!
for not calling the next day
for not calling ever
for thinking with your dick
for changing your feelings from one day to another
for being self-centered
for not knowing how to spell
for scratching every 5 minutes
for calling women "bitches"
for not PMSing
for your scriptless action movies
for not aiming when peeing
for having no fashion sense
for your stupid pick-up lines
for not holding my hand
the only good ones are gay!
oh mi god! i totally agree with this!!!!

you haven't met me yet either!