I've been a bad person and not updated for a while and been lazy with my commenting but life is hectic as always!
I had a good time at Erotica and bought the most gorgeous shoes (7.5" heels) and some really nice stockings!
Can't wait to get some more!
Rudegirls was great and I met some really nice people but I was sad I didn't see any of the UK SGs there.
The rest of the weekend was nice, although I got far too drunk on Sunday and got far too emotional. Nothing major but it kind of spoiled an eveing. At least I did manage to steal some cocktail glasses!
I still have loads of work to do but at least I'm slightly more on top of things. Not feeling so well but I'll be fine once the stress wears off!
This weekend I have my last rocksoc night of the term! We have 5 bands playing, including Liquid Sky (featuring Invisible100), Djevera and Mendeed. If you want to come along, you're more than welcome! Just get your ass to Imperial College Union, South Kensington (it's next to the Royal Albert Hall). Doors are at 7pm and it's 4 to get in.

I had a good time at Erotica and bought the most gorgeous shoes (7.5" heels) and some really nice stockings!

Rudegirls was great and I met some really nice people but I was sad I didn't see any of the UK SGs there.

The rest of the weekend was nice, although I got far too drunk on Sunday and got far too emotional. Nothing major but it kind of spoiled an eveing. At least I did manage to steal some cocktail glasses!
I still have loads of work to do but at least I'm slightly more on top of things. Not feeling so well but I'll be fine once the stress wears off!
This weekend I have my last rocksoc night of the term! We have 5 bands playing, including Liquid Sky (featuring Invisible100), Djevera and Mendeed. If you want to come along, you're more than welcome! Just get your ass to Imperial College Union, South Kensington (it's next to the Royal Albert Hall). Doors are at 7pm and it's 4 to get in.

I must say that I am absolutely and completely 100 per cent appalled by this journal entry.No, make that 105 percent. I have never been so shocked in my life!
Your a very disturbed individual aren't you?
You make me sick. So very sick.
I think that its people like you who make this world such an attrocious place to inhabit.
I would suggest you seek help as soon as able.
Oh my God. I think I am going to be sick thanks to your journal.
I had some six inch heels once but i only wore them "in bed" cos i couldn't even stand up in them!
Your pics are lush by the way