camera phone pics from my new samsung rant
I have had a camera phone for a while with my razr, but could never upload pictures without an internet I have upgraded to that since i got the samsung rant! yay

christmas presents
my beautiful 13-inch MacBook

and padded zip sleeve
Factory Girl dvd

Almost Famous imported Blu-ray

A Clockwork Orange Blu-ray

Salo: the 120 Days of Sodom Criterion Collection

Bible Illuminated: The Book New Testament
(basically a hipper version of the new testament with beautiful photography and graphics...tho i'm not religious)

Waiter Rant: Thanks for the Tip--Confessions of a Cynical Waiter

(i bought myself Vampyros Lesbos on dvd)

Burberry Brit (which came with lotion, bodywash and an adorable soft teddy bear wearing a removable plain beige burberry coat with a burberry plaid underside collar)

lovely (vegan friendly faux leather) purse! (i'm not a vegan, but that's cool anyway)

-a second ceramic hair straightener (i had already gotten myself a ghd a few months ago)
-a hoodie
-a minolta auto electroflash (bounce flash) for my camera
-a vacuum with an attachment so i can clean hard to reach places! haha...(gotta love my mom for being practical this year)
-i also bought myself these cute burnt orange crocheted wrist warmers for myself (pictures at a later date)
and amongst other things..the funnest thing i got Bobby was this awesome record player with a bunch of vintage and new records

She & Him (new)
Neil Young Live at Massey Hall 1971 (new)
Neil Young Tonight's the Night (new)
The Beatles Abbey Road (new)
Rolling Stones Greatest Hits (vintage)
Warren Zevon (vintage)
Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced? (vintage! amazing)
Lou Reed Rock n Roll Animal (vintage)
the Velvet Underground live at Max's Kansas City 1970 (new)
the Kinks One for the Road (vintage)
Donovan Like It Is was, and evermore shall ever be (vintage)
and I bought myself the Beyond the Valley of the Dolls soundtrack
the latest Mojo magazine with Oasis on the cover came with a magnificent compilation cd called
Mojo Heavy's AMAZING

i can listen to it over and over all the way thru
but the track that stands out the most to me is
Aphordite's Child - The Four Horseman
but again...all of it...i'm in LOVE
i also love Emeretta by Deep Purple
totally rockin'!
I have had a camera phone for a while with my razr, but could never upload pictures without an internet I have upgraded to that since i got the samsung rant! yay

christmas presents
my beautiful 13-inch MacBook

and padded zip sleeve
Factory Girl dvd

Almost Famous imported Blu-ray

A Clockwork Orange Blu-ray

Salo: the 120 Days of Sodom Criterion Collection

Bible Illuminated: The Book New Testament
(basically a hipper version of the new testament with beautiful photography and graphics...tho i'm not religious)

Waiter Rant: Thanks for the Tip--Confessions of a Cynical Waiter

(i bought myself Vampyros Lesbos on dvd)

Burberry Brit (which came with lotion, bodywash and an adorable soft teddy bear wearing a removable plain beige burberry coat with a burberry plaid underside collar)

lovely (vegan friendly faux leather) purse! (i'm not a vegan, but that's cool anyway)

-a second ceramic hair straightener (i had already gotten myself a ghd a few months ago)
-a hoodie
-a minolta auto electroflash (bounce flash) for my camera
-a vacuum with an attachment so i can clean hard to reach places! haha...(gotta love my mom for being practical this year)
-i also bought myself these cute burnt orange crocheted wrist warmers for myself (pictures at a later date)
and amongst other things..the funnest thing i got Bobby was this awesome record player with a bunch of vintage and new records

She & Him (new)
Neil Young Live at Massey Hall 1971 (new)
Neil Young Tonight's the Night (new)
The Beatles Abbey Road (new)
Rolling Stones Greatest Hits (vintage)
Warren Zevon (vintage)
Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced? (vintage! amazing)
Lou Reed Rock n Roll Animal (vintage)
the Velvet Underground live at Max's Kansas City 1970 (new)
the Kinks One for the Road (vintage)
Donovan Like It Is was, and evermore shall ever be (vintage)
and I bought myself the Beyond the Valley of the Dolls soundtrack
the latest Mojo magazine with Oasis on the cover came with a magnificent compilation cd called
Mojo Heavy's AMAZING
i can listen to it over and over all the way thru
but the track that stands out the most to me is
Aphordite's Child - The Four Horseman
but again...all of it...i'm in LOVE

i also love Emeretta by Deep Purple
totally rockin'!
god i love almost famous, you made out like a bandit this holiday! <3
you got some very cool shit. i'm a bit jealous.