(ok not quite..there will be one more with the Holga pics..but I finally got thru the 3300 photos! yay


poolside...my daquiri was called Miami Vice

Downtown Vegas

We saw Crazy Girls at the Riviera

Paris (Vegas) blueberry pancakes...yummiest ever!!

Ghost town
I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that this wasn't a deserted ghost town..but (judging by the cars and fixed up homes) was probably inhabited by maybe 50 people..though I didn't actually see anyone until I passed the local saloon...
it was eerily quiet except for trees scraping against rusty buildings and the wind.

I couldn't decide which one I liked best..so I'm posting all 3!

there's a video bobby took of me by these abandoned buildings..I was trying to peek into the window when something jumped out at me...

Red Rock Canyon
I think I once had wings...
Bobby and I are going to Woodstock for the weekend...it was his bday on wednesday.
as luck would have it, it happens to be the same weekend as the Woodstock Film Festival!
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing...we'll see what happens.
Sarah Palin is an idiot
been watching lots of scary movies
and tv shows: (tho i'm not caught up on some so dont' spoil!)
pushing daisies
sons of anarchy..not sure i like
twin peaks season 2 dvd
read Twilight...i was wary..thought it would be stupid..i liked it...i love vampires and it kind of made me giddy like a 16 yr old girl...but now i'm not sure about the film...looks a bit silly..we'll see..and nikki reed..ew..what happened to her?
currently reading: something wicked this way comes by ray bradbury
Perhaps Amtrak next year (with pancakes)