I don't know exactly how this may sound or come out. My mind is in a haze and I can not think very clearly.
I think in a way the only way I am writing my thoughts in this blog is the response I get from alll you wonderful people. I cant bring myself to write in my journal anymore because I get so frustrated and aggravated. I don't know but at any rate between the Chemo and medicine I have been feeling really crappy. I cant wait untill this is all over with and I can be me. My friends want me to go out on Wednesday so I am hoping I feel well enough to go with them. It would be nice to get out.
I think in a way the only way I am writing my thoughts in this blog is the response I get from alll you wonderful people. I cant bring myself to write in my journal anymore because I get so frustrated and aggravated. I don't know but at any rate between the Chemo and medicine I have been feeling really crappy. I cant wait untill this is all over with and I can be me. My friends want me to go out on Wednesday so I am hoping I feel well enough to go with them. It would be nice to get out.

Just gotta to stick with it. Hope you feel better by today so you can go out for some 'you' time.