@Adam_Bovary asked If money was no object, where would you love to live?
Less of a specific location and more of an idea: I would love to live in a sunny forest with a grassy floor; clear enough to walk through and garden in, and still be surrounded by trees. Perhaps even in a livable treehouse?
@Sdawg74 asked Did you ever get wet at Bushkill Falls in PA? Do you know of the waterfalls there?
Hah! No, I have not! Pennsylvania's a big state - I've never been in that part of it. Those falls are beautiful though.
@Berlin_2013 asked If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Bread! lol. So versatile and would not bother me in the slightest. Good kinds of bread don't even need anything on them.
@Kingofcool asked Who is or has been your biggest influence in your life?
This is so hard to answer - I've never really had any role models. I've more lived my life using people as examples of what I DON'T want to be. But okay, I thought of someone. This is so silly. Back in the fall of 2021, I was attending my local Renaissance Faire and watching a regular favorite music performance when an absolutely stunning belly dancer walked on stage and started dancing to the music. She was so beautiful, so fluid, and mesmerizing. I absolutely fell in love with her movements and her outfit. I decided I wanted to recreate it for myself since I do Ren Faire costuming. I spent her performance memorizing all of her costume pieces (I could have taken a picture, but I was too busy staring). Later on, I was looking up costuming online to try to make my own replica of her outfit and came to the realization, if I'm going to look like a belly dancer, I should probably at least sort of know how to belly dance. So I looked up classes in the area, found them at a local pole and dance studio, and that is where my dancing history began. Just belly dancing evolved into belly and pole dancing, which also later included burlesque dancing. That later led to supportive trips to the local strip club, which then led to adult modeling online and SuicideGirls. Whoever that dancer is that decided, out of nowhere in an absolutely stunning outfit, to dance to a random live music show - she was the catalyst that completely changed my life.
@Bradmax asked What is the #1 thing you first notice about someone new? What is the #1 thing you look for in a friend?
Their eyes and their smile. I can usually tell a lot about a person and their intent by looking at those. There are so many things I look for in a friend, but I think the number one trait I end up looking for is kindness.
@Samhain asked What do you like to do for fun?
Dancing and modeling. I also love reading, video gaming (PC!), haunting social media, gardening, and a myriad of other hobbies like needlework, blogging, trying to get back into drawing and writing. I know for sure I am never bored, lol.
@MJC1225 asked What attracted you to be a model on SuicideGirls?
Honestly, I didn't even know what it was until January of this year. I kept seeing it in the profiles of the other adult models I had been following on Instagram, and was curious enough about seeing it so often that I eventually went to the site to check it out. I saw what it was about and was honestly instantly interested, but cautious since I didn't know the community or if I'd have the time to commit to it. I sat on it for a few days, decided what the hell, worst case scenario I can just deactivate and submitted a set to apply. I was shocked that it was approved. I fell headfirst into the community and was welcomed with open arms almost instantly. I've been in love with it ever since!
@Arseniccookie asked If you were a Disney villain, who would you be?
Probably Maleficent. Particularly the live action version (though I admit I've never seen it). The animated version still totally counts because fuck being the only person in the kingdom not invited to a party, am I right?
@Lioncourt asked How do you define beauty?
This should be a blog homework question, lol. There will always be external beauty, but for me real beauty comes entirely from the inside; from who you are as a person. It comes from your soul and is something you can usually see pretty easily through someone's eyes, their smile, their laugh, or just being quiet around them. They have a warmth to them; a kind of gravitational pull that you can't explain, but you just want to be in their orbit. There are many people here who fit that kind of definition of beauty, I think.
@Amorous asked Do you have a goal that you want to accomplish soon? (Example: themed set, location, multi)
Honestly, most of my goals are dance-themed! I'd love to be able to get more flexible for dance moves, be able to design my own choreographies, perform outside of my studio's student showcases, become more fluid in dance transitions, and work on my expressions while I'm performing so I'm not obviously concentrating so much. I'm performing at my local strip club's amateur night in September so that's pretty huge!! It was a leap for me to decide to do it, and I only decided a few days ago.
@Fredhincanada asked If you could do a multi set, which models would you pick?
Oh, give me @mirameow 😍 Or maybe my local friend @lunalafaye! It's so hard to say who else I would pick. I'd be honored to be asked to do a multi set with anybody, but if only because of how supportive they always are of the community and of me personally. Maybe my other top picks would be @lioncourt and @jadestone
@Amra asked What’s your favorite movie, and why?
Lord of the Rings! The entire trilogy, unquestionably! Everything about it is the perfect movie series for me (give or take a few small nitpicks. Like bruh, give me more lady characters please) and it is easily my comfort series to go to whenever I need a pick-me-up. I could marathon it all back-to-back again and again, and never get tired of it.
@Bo asked Who is your favorite artist?
I have several, really. Plus, I'm sure there are more that I keep adding to my vital stats as I remember them. I think my top choice has to be Katie Daisy. I could probably fill an entire house with her artwork.
@Warrior311 asked Do you have any inhibitions?
Oh yes, I have many. There are physical qualities like chest size, skin quality, foot size, facial structure, my nose but most days they don't bother me. There's also the fear of being touched by people I don't trust, which naturally leads to barriers when thinking of things like meeting up with fans, multi sets, performing at exotic clubs. It's a whole thing and something I've been trying to see if I can gradually get over.
@Babynins asked What is your favorite food?
Bread! There are so many others too, though. Garlic bread, strawberries, cheesecake, funnel cakes, churros, lemon blueberry anything, pizza, mozzarella sticks... the list is endless. Maybe I just really love food in general.
How were you first introduced to SuicideGirls?
I had just started following models on Instagram in January and several of them had SG in their bios. I was curious what it was all about so I went to investigate, and ended up applying to be a model. Now here I am!
Where do you find inspiration?
From so many things, but mostly the little things in life. Food that's cooked just right, warm early spring breezes, the day you realized a cut finally healed, good hair days. They all keep me happy and hopeful, and keep my face looking towards the sun in life.
What impact has your culture / identity had on your modeling journey?
I've grown up a cisgender, pansexual, middle-class white woman in Northeast America with a relatively conservative family. I'd been bullied for being a nerd and "different" as a kid. I'd also been shamed for being sexually active in my teenage years. Plus, I have a fair amount of sexual trauma in my past. I think my modeling journey is partially a way to cope and reclaim my body and my experiences, and also partially an expression of freedom from all the expectations of what I "should" and "shouldn't" have been in my younger years.
What is your favorite form of self expression?
To the general public? Sometimes I wear pretty, feminine outfits. Other times, I wear funny or wordy t-shirts. I decorate all my spaces with things that make them feel like mine. And, to those people who get to know me a little bit better online? It's memes. I absolutely adore memes and everything they've come to stand for.
What is your favorite form of self-care OR what is your self-care routine?
Oooh, I love my self care days. I love to wear comfy clothes, make a comfy nest of blankets on the couch, have my favorite snacks nearby, and just hang around playing games or reading my book or doing whatever it is that makes me happy that day. No chores, no responsibilities, no expectations, no one around to talk to me unless I want them there. It's extra nice if I have a window open or a candle lit or my favorite music on.
What part of your beauty routine makes you feel most confident?
That's a good question. It feels like a combination of everything results in the confidence. I have strict routines during showers that I stick to, and because of that I can be low-effort the rest of the time. My appearance from day-to-day is very casual and natural. But, I think just the natural air-dried waviness of my hair is probably what gives me the most confidence. It's always the most pretty and eye-catching part of my appearance on any given day.
What impact has SG had in discovering yourself as a person and a model?
It's had a huge impact! I already knew who I was as a person mostly before SG, but as a model it's given me so much confidence and a sense of belonging that I didn't have previously. Everyone is so loving and so welcoming, and all the interactions make you feel so sexy, attractive, and powerful without anyone even really knowing you. If you're on the site, they'll love you and that's been huge for me.
Share a memorable experience from your point of view as an alternative model in your ______ community
My dance community came to mind when I read this question. It's interesting because it goes hand in hand with modeling. I'm a student dancer of belly, pole, and burlesque and the community meshes perfectly with the SG community. I've been dancing for about a year prior to becoming a model. I've found that both, becoming well-known as a SG Hopeful and dancing in my first performances with live crowds, build on each other and create a snowball effect of confidence and self empowerment. Not to mention, I'm in the best shape I've ever been in in my life!
Is there anything else you want to share about your ____ community?
Nothing I can think of other than that I absolutely love it! The hard work makes the progress so worth it. I absolutely love, love, love the outfits I've been able to wear as a dancer. Some of them even make appearances in my modeling ;) I also share occasional videos of my dance progress on my Instagram! -- @vivianbliss