@Weedfarmer asked What are your summer plans? Are you going on vacation or holiday this summer? Are you doing anything exciting this summer?
It’s winter here in Australia, but I AM going travelling! I really want to escape the cold so I am spending 2 weeks in Queensland and then a whole month in Bali! I will also be celebrating my 30th birthday while I’m in Bali so that’s definitely exciting.
@Amorous said I love your hair! Do you get it done professionally or do you do it at home?
I do my own hair at home and always have! I enjoy doing it myself.
@Sdawg74 asked What was your first tattoo and when did you get it? feelings before that first tat and also afterwards? how long ago? still happy you did it?
My first tattoo was my elephant on my ribs. I got it done spontaneously while I was on vacation in Cambodia. It’s not my favourite of my tattoos but I definitely don’t hate it haha. I think I was 18 and I really enjoyed the experience – I actually fell asleep while being tattooed because I found it relaxing.
@Adam_Bovary asked When you travel do you choose planes, trains or automobiles?
All of the above! I’m not even sure if I have a preference – they all have their own pros and cons. Planes are definitely a must when you’re in isolated Australia though.
@Amoxi asked What’s something you’ve seen different between SG 2017 compared to SG 2023?
There are definitely some exciting changes that have happened in that time. I am pretty sure the ability to send SGs a tip only came in in that time! So that’s definitely a cool feature. And I love all the contests and other opportunities available to SGs like streaming on their OnlyFans page and taking over their snapchat! I do feel a little out of the loop as I haven’t done a set since 2020 – mostly because I’ve been very busy raising my 2 kiddos! But I am hoping to find the time and confidence to do another set very soon.
@Burden_In_My_Hand asked What are three things that make you smile?
Spending time with my family
Eating new vegan foods
Going to a great yoga class
@Incontrol88 asked What’s your most controversial opinion?
This is a very good question and I wish I could think of something juicy to say but I think I’m just a little bit too easy going for this one. Obviously I have opinions about things but I also don’t give a fuck what anyone else wants to do with their lives so I think that just takes away the controversial part.
@Lioncourt asked Which was the best hiking trail you have ever been? And which was the most beautiful one? Is there any place you dream about going to?
I have been on so many beautiful hikes! There’s a really beautiful one right near my house that I obviously can’t identify but I love it because it has so many fallen trees across the path that you have to climb over, with lots of scrambling and then at the very end you reach this hidden waterfall. It’s very green and wet and incredible with just the right amount of challenge. I also really enjoyed a hike I did at red rock canyon near Las Vegas at Ice Box Canyon which was pretty much the opposite of the other one I just mentioned – instead it’s very dry and expansive and huge beautiful rocks. It also has a beautiful waterfall at the end though!
Link to vlog of me at Ice Box Canyon
@Cripplethreat asked What's your #1 guilty pleasure?
Having a nap!!! There’s always lots to do but sometimes I just can’t resist a damn good nap.