@Adam_bovary asked What is your favorite tattoo?
I think my favorite tattoo must be my Dwight Schrute tattoo! The Office is my fav tv show and Dwight is everything. The one I got is where Dwight dressed as a Sith Lord for halloween. So I reunited two of my fav things in one piece!
@Sophiedelyon asked What's your biggest fear?
Probably disappearing on my friend's lives. I try to be the most active person from my groups and sometimes I do feel a little forgotten. I know it sounds sad haha. It is what it is.
@Cheshire_ asked Which tattoo was the most painful for you?
Definitely my blackout sleeve or my feet. On one side, the blackout is such a painful process. You gotta take care of it very well. And feet are such a bony area to get inked. I do not recommend this, to be honest haha.
@Robertbluesman asked Did you believe your tattoo journey would have you looking as amazing as you do now?
Thank you for that! I think maybe yes? I always wanted to fill my body with tattoos. I still have some spaces tho.
@Kingofcool asked Where in the world would you like to shoot a set?
I'd love to make at least one at the SG house! Also, UK sounds like a dream too. I've visited once London and I fell in love.
@Jadestone asked What made you decide on blackout tattoos? Do you have more plans for it?
Well to be completely honest: the ones I got before my blackout were mostly made by an ex. And that was an abusive relationship. So you can imagine what it felt like to wake up and see memories of him, right? Not cool! I'm planning to make a full peony design in white
@Kungfury asked What is your favourite memory or memories in your time here on SuicideGirls so far?
It's by far making the friends I have on my life right now. I know I can count on them, take a coffee and talk about life. Not exclusively work. Also the members! Some of you may know me a little bit more for your kindness.
@Samihain asked What is your favorite feature on the SG site?
The themed groups are my fav. I really get to know so many people with the same interests as me! Reminds me of when I had Myspace loooong time ago (leave the grandma alone!).
@Lioncourt asked When are you going to graduate? Is there any specific area you want to work with?
It is between this year and the first months of 2024 :) I want to become a forensic and psychiatrist! I just took one of the most difficult tests on the career and got a B! So I'm really excited.
@Littlejohn22 asked If you could have a meal with three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
I'd love to have a drink with LEMMY KILMISTER! My God, that man knew how to live. I know he must have the funniest facts about music and other musicians. Also, he was my fav bassist.
How were you first introduced to SuicideGirls?
I found out about SG on Myspace! (Yes, I know. I drop out my ID after saying that lol). That's when I figured out I wanted to join this world one day.
Where do you find inspiration?
I usually watch old movies when bodies weren't part of the hegemonic line that society wants to mark on our lives. I believe every form of art is a chance to get your inspiration and spread it.
What impact has your culture / identity had on your modeling journey?
Well, I live in Argentina. A place where people (especially men) still think that if you model naked on a website you are anything but a serious person. So you can imagine how hard is to have a real conversation with people sometimes. I hope one day that can fade away. This is a hard job as others.
What is your favorite form of self expression?
Dancing! I find myself every time I go to my pole or femme heels lessons. It's such a beautiful moment of my week. I really encourage everyone to try this at least once in your life. It's one of the most beautiful ways to express your feelings. Even if you are happy or sad, excited or tired.
What is your favorite form of self-care OR what is your self-care routine?
I have a very common self-care routine to be honest. Let's say it makes me stay in peace with my mind. I usually take Fridays for me: buy my favorite wine, cook a delicious pasta for me, put on my favorite The Office's episodes to watch on loop or play something on my computer (currently playing Doom Eternal, again). I try to buy some mascara to relax my skin while I enjoy a cup of tea on my bed and listening to some podcast (usually about self-care or video games). Not a big deal, huh?
What part of your beauty routine makes you feel most confident?
My skin care routine! So far it's been the biggest change on my beauty routine. I don't even have to wear so much make up since I started taking care daily. I recommend to go to your local dermatologist and create your own. Also drinking water will help you lots!
What impact has SG had in discovering yourself as a person and a model?
I think it gave me more confidence than ever. Whenever someone ask me about my job they get impressed about SG! Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way (still trying to teach these ones tho). Also, what an incredible way to describe yourself! Being part of such a badass community isn't a basic fact.
Share a memorable experience from your point of view as an alternative model in your ______ community
The best memory I had was when I met Rob Zombie's drummer in Argentina. He was a huge fan! He invited me to their show since I was the first Latin American SG model he met. I had a great time with all the crew and the show was amazing. Their admiration and respect for our community is something I really wish to see in everyone that hears about us.
Is there anything else you want to share about your ____ community?
My fellow girls from Argentina are the coolest and warmest women I've ever met in my life (also, THE hottest!) So many stories shared. Moments, drinks, dinners. I'm really thankful for the friends I got here. We are very helpful with each other and that's something I really wish for every community to have. LOVE THEM SO BAD <3 -- @flareon