I love when other blogs influence me to write about something in mine. I was talking about Billy Joel, and I remember listening to him in the car as a kid. My parents loved his music as well as James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Simon and Garfunkle and Elton John. So my question is this. Does our generation have talented singer song-writers like that group or... Read More
If davy was 80 then yes lol... but im with you.. i grew up on the stuff too...(classic rock) and every time I listen to it, it reminds me of my Dad zz top, aerosmith, led zeppelin, all that, he loved it.
Inspired from a very cool person here at SG, I was thinking about my favorite take on MARRIAGE from Kramer. This quick scene is absolute pure comedic brilliance.
ROCKSUGAR- Love these guys, the song starts out like it's Enter Sandman but hang in there till 1:34 and the payoff is a great Journey classic. VERY COOL twist-mix cover band!
My blog is a place to laugh, entertain and make your day a little better. But if you will please allow me, JUST FOR TODAY, to post something that means a lot to me. As we sit at home this weekend, swimming, barbecuing, drinking, having fun, others are protecting our freedom in harms way so that we can have these freedoms. I'm very proud of... Read More
I'm glad you put this up. I found out a dear friend who has been overseas way too many times in the last few years, is in the hospital recovering from several gun shot wounds.