Those of you who know me know that I have a lot of theories on life and just about everything else. One of those theories, which I will be discussing here I got from a friend in Seattle about three years ago. The theory is that it seems like when ever you get all dressed up to go out and you think you are looking your best, you never meet anyone or there just isnt anyone out that really catches your eye. But on the nights when you are finishing a three day drinking spree and probably havent showered much if at all in said three days, it never fails that you will be approached by at least one sometimes more people who are interested in you. Or you will see someone whom you have wanted to talk to for a while but you cant because you are defiantly not at your best right at that moment. I have been studying this for the last couple of years by closely watching my friends and monitoring their success rate. I now feel as if I have gained all the knowledge that is possible by strictly studying others. So like all good (mad) scientists I shall now take the experiment to the next step, by experimenting on myself. From here on out until I feel as if my research is done I shall suspend all personal hygiene including but not limited to, showering, wearing deodorant, brushing my teeth, and changing my clothes. I shall drink everyday not only at home after work but when I feel I am drunk enough to do my research I will be conducting it at the bars every night of this experiment. Now those of you who know what I do for a living knows that it will only take me a few days to look as if I was born a poor black child. Steve martin, The Jerk. I dont really see this experiment taking much time (or actually happening) due to the fact that if I really went any time at all with out showering or changing my clothes my parents would probably make me sleep in the back yard with the dog and have to fumigate my room to get rid of the stench. So I will just have to settle on the part about drinking every day and concentrate my efforts on doing just that.
this can pretty much be summed up as, "it always happens when you arent looking."
and this is very true in my case.