Tagged by the lovely @brujaja
Hometown - Born and bred Cardiff girl, mainly.
Tattoos - Just two: a triple moon on my right thigh and a work-in-progress biomechanical sleeve on my left upper arm.
Craziest Thing I've ever done - Big Brother 2012.
Crazy Plans for the future - None, alas. I had been planning to make something more of my burlesque dancing, but Covid killed both my social energy and my practice rhythm. While I still get occasional modelling jobs, as a weird-looking middle-aged trans model they tend to be fairly uninteresting porn requests, and by no means well-paid enough for me to quit the day job (Mail sorter, very dreary). Now, I'm just ready to find a job I actually enjoy and settle down.
How many languages do you speak - English, French (ish), teeny bits of Welsh, trying to learn Hebrew.
Biggest non SG crush - Patrick Stewart.
Biggest strength - Probably creativity, insofar as I have a lot of ideas ...
Biggest Weakness - ... but procrastinate hideously when it comes to actually doing them.
Finally, what do you want out of your experience in SG? - Have fun, make stories, do weird cosplays, upset bigots.
Tagging, in case anyone else fancies a go ...
@chroi @violetgrey @quietdragon @ferkixlll @wolfetone11 @joekity @nameless @drd2166 @elune @aradya