Woohoo! My second set of the year - "Trials of a Time Lady" - has been accepted to the member review queue. As you might have guessed, the "Doctor Who" geek in me has come slightly to the fore for this one ... Shoot by RLM Photography (https://purpleport.com/portfolio/rlmphotography)
This is my first Suicide Girls shoot to date that was studio-based, and it may be my last, since the other two shoots I have done this year were both in glorious natural lighting and looked all the more vivid for it, and I also quite enjoy the challenge factor of going nakey in unsecured locations, call me a kinky little nerd ... Still, it was something different to try, and it freed us up to experiment and work in some business that would have been a real struggle on location, including the weirdest costume change I ever expect to do in one of these sets. Hoping it will appeal. xxx
(Lovely steampunk dress from Blue Banana, Cardiff. I promised them credit as they discounted me rather generously ...)