A nice surprise greeted me when I opened my inbox after work yesterday: a photographer from Adultfolio (where I keep an account, though it has got me little work thus far) was coming down to Cardiff for work, and he wondered if I was free to shoot. I was, so I hastily assembled a costume, chose a convenient patch of nearby woodland, and early this afternoon we shot what will soon - fingers crossed - be my third set submitted here.
Much to the amusement of the slack-jawed yokel who felt the need to leer at us through the trees, I add (and we really tried hard to pick a discreet spot). Well, if he was offended, he has only himself to blame.
I went for an elven, Tolkien-y theme this time, which will hopefully suit my nerdy weirdness to a tee. Can't wait to show it to you all. Four months is always an eternity ...