Ah 2018, I shalt fondly remember thee as the year I became fully myself both physically and by finally filling the burlesque-shaped hole in my life thanks to Cardiff Cabaret Club. This photo is from our final event of the year - "Stocking Filler," 22nd of December - in the Neon club, Newport. I didn't do a solo on this occasion, but I did take part in this spectacular and very tricky isis wings routine. Beautiful as it looked when done well, we were all aware of its potential to go completely haywire, bearing in mind we had to be very co-ordinated with each other's steps and quite close to each other (smallish stage) while trying not to poke each other's eyes out with the long poles we were all wielding. Hopefully there will be a video of it on YouTube before long, but for now we have this lovely shot of our triumphant (and relieved) ending pose, our collective sentiments nicely summarised by Hadria Hellbound (front row, green wings) on the night as "We didn't **** it up!"
Burlesque aspirations for next year include joining the advanced group, doing another solo, and hopefully changing my job to a more pleasant one with hours that would allow me to get my Saturday nights back (or at least some of them) and thus do more shows. Thankfully, I've started temping at Wales Millennium Centre (Cardiff's biggest theatre), so hopefully I can impress them enough to make a permanent job there a plausible prospect. Wish me luck, lovelies ... x