Now that local lockdown is back with a vengeance, our local burlesque legend Flossie Smalls has relaunched the Halloween Edition of her #lockdownlewks weekly event to keep all of us frustrated Cardiff cabaret types in an upbeat and macabre mood. "Raise the Dead" was this week's theme, and since vampires are by now a tad cliché for me I decided to weird things up with an old flapper dress, an Isis statuette, an upcycled paintbrush handle, three pairs of nude tights and a whole fuckton of Poundland masking tape. STORY: 1926 - Miss Theodora Markway, daughter of an eminent archaeologist (if somewhat careless with his cursed Egyptian artefacts), makes an extremely unfortunate choice of ashtray... Video of this strange escapade hopefully to soon follow on my OnlyFans.