I'm going to Paris in September. I was going to go to Mexico but then we found a good deal on tickets to Paris. I had a dream last night that my friends and some of my co workers went to London. It was wierd. We were walking down the street and we hadn't seen any people so far. I commented that I didn't feel like we were in london because we hadn't run into any people and heard their accents. Then a guy driving a horse and buggy came around the corner really fast and he winked at me and then one of the horses fell down. There was another part where we went into some one's house and their bathroom was really weird and that had a bobcat for a pet. Does anyone know why I always dream about bathrooms, what does that mean??? Anyway, that's all I remember.
My boyfreind joined the site his name is eatcops.
and you should listen to his radio show tonight, i'll be there but I don't know if I will talk. Maybe. Listen to it here Portland Indy Media
P.S. His show is called S H A R K VS R O B O T.
My boyfreind joined the site his name is eatcops.
and you should listen to his radio show tonight, i'll be there but I don't know if I will talk. Maybe. Listen to it here Portland Indy Media
P.S. His show is called S H A R K VS R O B O T.
more ppl live in Oregon, trees, lots of hills, always cloudy, and the state seems to grow the best looking girls too!
I hope people arent too dissapointed