Check out my new hair, I love it!
I painted my kitchen yellow, I love it!
My dog finally made a friend, I love it! His name is George.
Rocky makes funny faces while eating peanuts, I love it!
People make hilarious and judgmental comments about my tattoo publicly on the internet, I love it! Okay, maybe I don't love it, but I do think it's funny.
I'm taking an amazing and inspiring class right now called Science and Pseudoscience. It teaches the importance of logic and critical thinking, developing healthy skepticism and to formulate beliefs based on evidence and reason(not faith). I feel like I am already this way and this class is going to help me become better at it and better at explaining myself when it comes to discussing things like science, conspiracy theories and superstitions.
Here are some interesting questions I have been asked in this class.
Can one force oneself to believe on the basis of evidence?
Can one force oneself to not believe on the basis of evidence?
How could your belief be wrong?
Think about the beliefs that you have(or don't have), whether it is a god, homeopathy or alien abductions. What kind of evidence could get you to not believe or believe in this particular subject? Apparently, if there is nothing, no evidence whatsoever, that could change your mind, you are at risk for being disillusioned. So take the subject of a god. I don't believe in one and I can't think of any evidence that could convince me otherwise. Even if I saw something, a physical manifestation, I would probably just think I am hallucinating or crazy. Hmmm...what does that say about me? Am I just like the creationists who, even when faced with the fossil record and other evidence of evolution, still deny it?
This class poses so many interesting questions and really makes me think.
Find me on Tumblr and Flickr. Also, I'm doing the Instagram thing now, so you can see my daily life of animals, homework and laboratory experiments: hexapoda.

I painted my kitchen yellow, I love it!

My dog finally made a friend, I love it! His name is George.

Rocky makes funny faces while eating peanuts, I love it!

People make hilarious and judgmental comments about my tattoo publicly on the internet, I love it! Okay, maybe I don't love it, but I do think it's funny.

I'm taking an amazing and inspiring class right now called Science and Pseudoscience. It teaches the importance of logic and critical thinking, developing healthy skepticism and to formulate beliefs based on evidence and reason(not faith). I feel like I am already this way and this class is going to help me become better at it and better at explaining myself when it comes to discussing things like science, conspiracy theories and superstitions.
Here are some interesting questions I have been asked in this class.
Can one force oneself to believe on the basis of evidence?
Can one force oneself to not believe on the basis of evidence?
How could your belief be wrong?
Think about the beliefs that you have(or don't have), whether it is a god, homeopathy or alien abductions. What kind of evidence could get you to not believe or believe in this particular subject? Apparently, if there is nothing, no evidence whatsoever, that could change your mind, you are at risk for being disillusioned. So take the subject of a god. I don't believe in one and I can't think of any evidence that could convince me otherwise. Even if I saw something, a physical manifestation, I would probably just think I am hallucinating or crazy. Hmmm...what does that say about me? Am I just like the creationists who, even when faced with the fossil record and other evidence of evolution, still deny it?
This class poses so many interesting questions and really makes me think.
Find me on Tumblr and Flickr. Also, I'm doing the Instagram thing now, so you can see my daily life of animals, homework and laboratory experiments: hexapoda.
Your tattoo is beautiful and very well done! Don't ever apologize for what you love.
George looks like Brian from the touring show of Avenue Q.
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