Thanks everyone for the nice comments on my tattoo. I really am in love with it. I think all of my tattoos will be nature themed and I want at least one from each class. So far I have insects, a mollusc and a mammal. I know I want a cat somewhere, perhaps a portrait of Jolene. Then I want plants and fungi, a bird and a reptile. I think next might either be a plant or a bird. So many choices, so much beautiful life on this planet.
I know it's old news, and I don't even know what the recent developments are, but I found this article about the swine flu that I think is very important.
Swine flu and factory farms
I am not personally worried about the swine flu. You shouldn't be either.
I moved into a new apartment. I like it here, except it is in a courtyard setting and my neighbors hang out in front all the time. Each unit has its own private back yard, but they hang out in the courtyard and drink and kick a ball around. They were kicking it into our rose bushes the other day. But I am too people phobic to go out there and say something.
Here are some photos I took tonight in my new, partially decorated, bedroom.
I wish that I had some new insect photos to share, but at the moment, my back yard is mostly dirt, which doesn't attract many of my friends. I have seen ants, slugs, worms, little beetles, a few centipedes and a bunch of moth cocoons. We had to dig up the whole yard because it was filled with garbage! I swear that previous tenants must have used it as a dump. Mostly we found rusty nails and screws, broken glass and plastic. But we found some treasures, like part of a broken sword (I think?), a paint brush, pliers and chicken bones. Once we got most of the trash out, we planted grass, flowers and veggies! We are just waiting for them to grow now. I can't wait. Isn't it cool that you can put seeds in the ground and it makes food? I think so. I hear gardening is increasing now because of the recession. I think that's a good thing.
I know it's old news, and I don't even know what the recent developments are, but I found this article about the swine flu that I think is very important.
Swine flu and factory farms
I am not personally worried about the swine flu. You shouldn't be either.
I moved into a new apartment. I like it here, except it is in a courtyard setting and my neighbors hang out in front all the time. Each unit has its own private back yard, but they hang out in the courtyard and drink and kick a ball around. They were kicking it into our rose bushes the other day. But I am too people phobic to go out there and say something.
Here are some photos I took tonight in my new, partially decorated, bedroom.

I wish that I had some new insect photos to share, but at the moment, my back yard is mostly dirt, which doesn't attract many of my friends. I have seen ants, slugs, worms, little beetles, a few centipedes and a bunch of moth cocoons. We had to dig up the whole yard because it was filled with garbage! I swear that previous tenants must have used it as a dump. Mostly we found rusty nails and screws, broken glass and plastic. But we found some treasures, like part of a broken sword (I think?), a paint brush, pliers and chicken bones. Once we got most of the trash out, we planted grass, flowers and veggies! We are just waiting for them to grow now. I can't wait. Isn't it cool that you can put seeds in the ground and it makes food? I think so. I hear gardening is increasing now because of the recession. I think that's a good thing.
Best of luck with your planted things! I've tried to grow herbs on the balcony but they got infested by some bugs that ate them all up. They were particularily interested in the curry-leaf plant for some reason yet unknown.
Congrats on the new apartment! Those are always fun