Well, I have internet again, but I'm moving tomorrow. I don't know if I can get any good wifi signals at my new place, so we'll see.
My exciting news today is my amazing tattoo that I started yesterday!
Done by Ryan Mason at Scapegoat in Portland, OR. I can't wait until it's finished, but I even love the outline.
Here are some recent animal photos for you.
This is a goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia).
My cat Gort.
My beautiful girl Jolene.
And the rest of the clan, Lucy and Opus.
Yes, we have a lot of cats.
My exciting news today is my amazing tattoo that I started yesterday!


Done by Ryan Mason at Scapegoat in Portland, OR. I can't wait until it's finished, but I even love the outline.
Here are some recent animal photos for you.
This is a goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia).

My cat Gort.

My beautiful girl Jolene.

And the rest of the clan, Lucy and Opus.

Yes, we have a lot of cats.
i have been reading about loss a lot lately....i think that we forget that even the little losses are painful....losing a lover or even moving somewhere...leaving things behind....losing pieces of yourself...changing yourself...
and like you said, loss is inevitable...and even if you have not yet dealt with the experience of death very much, you are still dealing wtih it simply because you are alive and because you love things and people and because you know deep down that these people or animals will be gone someday....
i think that realizing that, even if there isn't any immediate threat, is still very painful and important.
it makes me sad that in our culture we can't really discuss these things, i think if we open more doors on the subject the fear would not be so big...
i don't know...
i know that no matter how much tragedy you deal with though...one is never truly an expert...
but change and surviving it....it does make one much stronger.
facing the things that hurt most....