hey kids. My computer is broken again. Stupid #!@!*! PC. So, I am using my roommate's Mac for now. But I won't be here as often, that's probably a good thing.
Oh, a moment of silence for Mina_Milku. If you didn't know her, all I have to say is she was a really cute and funny looking cat. And express your condolences to DebraJean.
Speaking of cats, I will be adopting a new one. Even though i already have two. But my friend has to move and she can't take her cat Opus, and she can't find anyone to take him. So i told her i would. I'm not looking forward to cleaning the litterbox.
I finally made my own Magic deck. I kept borrowing my roommates cards. So I played him last night and I kicked his ass!!! Yeah it was awesome. It's a green deck, mostly spirits and Kamis (I love Kamis)
I think today I will be cleaning my house, organizing my room, making curtains, drawing and reading. If it weren't for the cleaning part that would be perfect day. Now i need food.
Oh, a moment of silence for Mina_Milku. If you didn't know her, all I have to say is she was a really cute and funny looking cat. And express your condolences to DebraJean.
Speaking of cats, I will be adopting a new one. Even though i already have two. But my friend has to move and she can't take her cat Opus, and she can't find anyone to take him. So i told her i would. I'm not looking forward to cleaning the litterbox.
I finally made my own Magic deck. I kept borrowing my roommates cards. So I played him last night and I kicked his ass!!! Yeah it was awesome. It's a green deck, mostly spirits and Kamis (I love Kamis)
I think today I will be cleaning my house, organizing my room, making curtains, drawing and reading. If it weren't for the cleaning part that would be perfect day. Now i need food.
Happy Halloween !
replies and or friendships ghoulishly appreciated