Hi! I just wanted to write a blog to thank all of you who commented on my latest set, Feiticeira. And double goes to those of you who gave me some extra love. Especially Marlene, that beautiful creature really knows how to melt a heart.
I can't tell you how much the support means to me. I feel like I can conquer the world after reading the things you all wrote. In return I hope to give you plenty of hot sex..I mean sets! I keed, I keed.
On a more serious note, I'm flying to LA in the morning to shoot with Sean! Which I already know will be of epic proportions. I'm super excited & can't wait to work with him. I'm also excited to go to Cali. I've been trying to get out of NJ ever since I was a little girl, and California was always top of my list. I'd love to be able to move there once i finish school. So this visit is a double win for me
Expect a ton of pictures! But don't expect them too soon..I'm still a little handicapped when it comes to these blogs. Actually, I'm still figuring how to work the site! Haha
I can't tell you how much the support means to me. I feel like I can conquer the world after reading the things you all wrote. In return I hope to give you plenty of hot sex..I mean sets! I keed, I keed.
On a more serious note, I'm flying to LA in the morning to shoot with Sean! Which I already know will be of epic proportions. I'm super excited & can't wait to work with him. I'm also excited to go to Cali. I've been trying to get out of NJ ever since I was a little girl, and California was always top of my list. I'd love to be able to move there once i finish school. So this visit is a double win for me
Expect a ton of pictures! But don't expect them too soon..I'm still a little handicapped when it comes to these blogs. Actually, I'm still figuring how to work the site! Haha
cant wait for that set lady face. (and i want to make you cupcakes)