I'm going to hell. I just know it. I so strongly believe in Karma. It's super important to me, but I hate myself when I go around making decisions that are going to turn around and hurt me. I had nursing clinicals this morning. I was up before 6:30 am, got to the nursing home before 7:30 and presumed activities/stayed there until 12:30. I got home around 1 and was supposed to be at work by 3.
Truth is, I'm so tired. All I can think about is this medical calculations exam next tuesday. The rule is you need to achieve 85% on the exam (max 3 wrong) or else they put you in remedial math courses and give you one more chance to pass the exam-- if you don't, you're kicked out of the nursing program. It's ALL I can think about. And the fact that I got a 74.6 on my first exam (70 is passing). Scares the shit out of me I only passed by 4 or 5 points. So alas, I called out of work. I LIED and said I had just left the doctors office and was told I have pink eye. I hate lies. Hate them!! Whats worse.. is that to call out for a 3pm shift, I was supposed to call by 11 am (I was in clinical till 12:30 though). I called out at 2. I feel like such an asshole. I shouldn't of lied and I didn't even have the decency to call out earlier. They're probably so pissed.
Whats worse than that is I need this job. Not just for extra money, but because once/if I graduate with my RN, my current job will give me a job as an RN 80-90% chance. I'm mad at myself.
I can't tell if I'm just being a baby or I really called out because I'm concerned for school. I think it's probably a bit of both, but lets just say I won't be out galavanting this evening. I'll be at home, studying. Not that it really jusitifes my actions, ughhh idk. /rant
On another note, thanks so much to everyone commenting on my last set. I really appreciate it.
Back to studying...
Truth is, I'm so tired. All I can think about is this medical calculations exam next tuesday. The rule is you need to achieve 85% on the exam (max 3 wrong) or else they put you in remedial math courses and give you one more chance to pass the exam-- if you don't, you're kicked out of the nursing program. It's ALL I can think about. And the fact that I got a 74.6 on my first exam (70 is passing). Scares the shit out of me I only passed by 4 or 5 points. So alas, I called out of work. I LIED and said I had just left the doctors office and was told I have pink eye. I hate lies. Hate them!! Whats worse.. is that to call out for a 3pm shift, I was supposed to call by 11 am (I was in clinical till 12:30 though). I called out at 2. I feel like such an asshole. I shouldn't of lied and I didn't even have the decency to call out earlier. They're probably so pissed.
Whats worse than that is I need this job. Not just for extra money, but because once/if I graduate with my RN, my current job will give me a job as an RN 80-90% chance. I'm mad at myself.
I can't tell if I'm just being a baby or I really called out because I'm concerned for school. I think it's probably a bit of both, but lets just say I won't be out galavanting this evening. I'll be at home, studying. Not that it really jusitifes my actions, ughhh idk. /rant
On another note, thanks so much to everyone commenting on my last set. I really appreciate it.
Back to studying...
Thank you <3 Things are looking up, but the first days are always the easiest
Here's the thing Percival (I'm sorry, when I hear Perry I think Dr. Cox, plus you want to be a RN, hospital theme and all, sorry I'm an idiot) you're not going to hell. People don't get one way tickets to a big firey pit for making decisions that will get themselves hurt. If that were the case, hell would have reached maximum capacity sometime around the Crusades. You know what happens when hell is full THE DEAD WALK THE EARTH. And since we're not all being nom nomed by zombies that couldn't have happened. Anyway my bizarre points aside my dad always used to say to me, num nuts, school comes first, bar none. I think you made the right decision, you're not being a baby, nor are you an asshole, you needed it. We all need a break at one time or another, regardless of who we are and what we do. And I know how gnarly nursing can be, my mom was a nurse and she met my dad, an oral surgeon, in the hospital putting some dudes face back together, I know how tough it is. And I see something else, you care this much about missing one day of work, when you become a RN and you will (mark my words !) you will be the most kickass RN ever been in these her parts. For the previous sentence you have to sort of imagine Sam Elliot saying it, not me. Let us know how you do on that test, but I'm sure you will drop kick the teeth out of its mouth, for now I leave you with this.