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How are you beautiful people?
I have recently joined a gym, to get myself happier with myself so I can do proper shoots and get the modelling ball rolling!
I have lost some of my confidence in doing this stuff, feeling less than sexy, so I thought this is a good way to help me feel better about me.
OMG though.. Squats!?! OUCH! Hahaa!
I have been diagnosed with cluster headaches.. They affect less than 1 person in 1000 and are apparently quite rare, but they are freaking horrible.
I have a sharp pain on one side, usually around my left eye, that shoots through my head… Causing me to be incapable of doing anything.
They are part of the migraine family and there is no cure.. I’m currently...
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I'm so happy to be getting my modelling fix again.. I am able to be naughty all the time aaaaaand have soooo much fun! YAY!!
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I am so excited about new things to come next year...
For the first time in ages I am earning again on MyFreeCams, which is always a great confidence booster, and I am hoping to be able to team up with some other models soon, and gather some more followers and have lots more fun.
I finally feel like I am getting my sexiness back,...
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I have been very quiet for quite some time, due to the fact that I have been very poorly for so long. I've dealt with chronic pain for a decade now, but the last 2 years have been tremendously trying. I lost all of what makes me who I am, and became a sad mess of rubbishnesses.
The last month has been so different.. I...
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I have been ever so sliiiiiightly obsessed with playing Battlefield 4 on my very own PS4 (eeeeee!) and I am currently staying with my Nan, so I can look after her after her operation today, and its been lovely... Especially as I've had my PS4 with me! Hahaaaa!
Such a doofus, I know ;)
My Nan also has the most adorable daschund pooch, she's such...
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I have more pictures that is like to upload, but the iPhone web page isn't letting me.
Sooooo, I think you'll have to wait another few hours for me to get onto a computer..
Last night my husband's band played an awesome charity gig in Basingstoke.. It was the best gig they've done in aaaaages, the energy was amazing and the whole night had an awesome atmosphere (even with the headlining band being arrested for taking drugs, so they couldn't play.. LOL!).
We are going to make an effort to go see more unsigned bands and more local gigs.....
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I have been in a rather good mood lately! *dances*