I also got a book called Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Something else you may not know about me is that I am thoroughly fascinated with pregnancy, childhood, and women's biology and sexuality in general. I also love babies and children, even though I have a thing about OTHER people's children..... But who doesn't?

Hrm, what else....I coloured my hair today. It's autumn, and like clock-work, my hair must become the colour of the leaves.

I don't wanna start shouting it at the rooftops yet, but it would seem that very soon, financial things will be getting a lot better for us.
So ready for the weekend. Mostly so I can get it over with and find another PCP. The other sliding scale in Virginia Beeatch only offers appointments if you come in on Mondays between 10:30-11:30am, THEN you can get an appointment...after you've proven you're basically poor. Just don't understand why I have to jump through so many fucking ropes to take care of my HEALTH...something that should be taken care of, pronto, for ANYfuckingBODY. If you don't have a job that offers you insurance you can afford, or if you aren't rich enough to spend 400 a month on health insurance, don't come to this country. You will suffer, sometimes unbearably.
Eh, enough of that. Bloody fuck I am tired of talking about my pain...mostly tired of feeling it. I do everything. I meditate, I do yoga, I walk 4 times a week, I do my very very best to stay positive, I get regular massages, I eat as healthy as I can and 95% of my liquid intake is purified water, I take things like 5-htp and homepathic things such as quinine for leg pain...I buy topical rubs..I take long baths. I really just don't know what else I can do myself to ease my suffering. If anyone has any good websites or info, please do let me know. <3
This blog is officially long enough. Mostly. Night night, lovedoves.
Lots of random and silly pictures....