I really need to talk. Please only read this if you are familiar with self-injury.
I am so sorry for your pain, 10 days without meds can feel like a lifetime. My wife has fibromyalgia from complications from brittle diabetes, so I see her pain, even when she has her meds. It is frustrating to see her in so much pain that she wants to hurt herself to make the pain go away. Are there any holistic or naturopathy remedies? Might be something to look into. Just remember you have a lot of love and support here, and I am always thinking good thoughts for you. Let me know if I can do anything for you.
i can't even imagine the pain you are going through. hopefully you can get the pain under control. i have dealt with migraines my whole life so i can understand the hopeless and despair that no matter what you do it doesn't always seem to work. you are a fighter and this is just another test in life for you to pass. i know we dont really know each other that well but if you ever need someone to talk to just let me know. i am always here. hope you feel better soon. take care