it was kinda slow today at work so i bring to you "working at icecream store." this is a selection of its full glory. i didnt want to post too many pics.
this is one of our top selling ice creams: cotton candy. its really that color

my bored face.

this is really whats in one of our smoothies. we have five smoothies on the menu, but we only can make like three. i dont make the others because theyre only yogurt, syrup and powders and taste disgusting.

our manager drew this to remind us how to put icecream in a bowl. kinda cute.

me doing what i do on off time. today it was crossword puzzles. and by the way im a bad ass puzzler.

all cash put into this jar goes to me. really. i just dump it out into my pocket at the end of my shift, so be generous!

this is one of our top selling ice creams: cotton candy. its really that color

my bored face.

this is really whats in one of our smoothies. we have five smoothies on the menu, but we only can make like three. i dont make the others because theyre only yogurt, syrup and powders and taste disgusting.

our manager drew this to remind us how to put icecream in a bowl. kinda cute.

me doing what i do on off time. today it was crossword puzzles. and by the way im a bad ass puzzler.

all cash put into this jar goes to me. really. i just dump it out into my pocket at the end of my shift, so be generous!


mmmm. That looks so lovely. Is it tasty? I am really picky with icecream flavors. It looks pretty, but I'm sure I couldn't eat it. That teal one looks cool too.

yeah they still have them. i think 80s night is friday and goth is saturday