Sooo.. I changed my screen name from Eight_Bit to Gretchen_.. it's because Gretchen is the name I want if/when I become a SuicideGirl. It just made sense to me, I guess. And now the backstory:
I tell this story every-so-often. I once had this conversation with my mom, one of those, "What would you have named me if you didn't name me this?" type of discussions. I remember being told 'Gretchen'. So.. yeah. I thought it was funny. Even funnier? Might not even be a true story. This was from when I was a kid, and the years may have done some alteration. But that's why.
I tell this story every-so-often. I once had this conversation with my mom, one of those, "What would you have named me if you didn't name me this?" type of discussions. I remember being told 'Gretchen'. So.. yeah. I thought it was funny. Even funnier? Might not even be a true story. This was from when I was a kid, and the years may have done some alteration. But that's why.

Too funny. I like the new name.

i was always gonna have the name i have. i wish there was more of a story to it, but my father named me for a stuck up cousin in germany. i hope he wasnt planning on me being like her lol