Super crazy, how two days ago i deleted my facebook.
It felt like a super disconnection to the world, but then i thought well
at least i have suicide girls, to keep me occupied.
it definitely feels weird but my energy feels better!
it just made me realize that i dont need to spend and discuss my day with others
and i could just enjoy the world alone without any distractions!
Hey but i still love facebook, but just had to give it a break!
Need my suicidefriends to help me no dred the fact that i dont have a FB LOL! <3

It felt like a super disconnection to the world, but then i thought well
at least i have suicide girls, to keep me occupied.
it definitely feels weird but my energy feels better!
it just made me realize that i dont need to spend and discuss my day with others
and i could just enjoy the world alone without any distractions!
Hey but i still love facebook, but just had to give it a break!
Need my suicidefriends to help me no dred the fact that i dont have a FB LOL! <3

& evangelin, thankssss