So, Kyle and I broke up. Thank God.
He was a real asshole to me in the end and now that I look at it.
He had the nerve to tell my BEST FRIEND why he wasn't talking to me.
This is a summary of what he said:
"So, she talkings constantly about random shit that no one cares about, especially me. She never shuts up and doesn't get the hint to when anyone sneaks around it."[/b[
Gwen said: "So, why haven't you broken up with her then?
Kyle: "Well she ordered me a CD for my birthday and it's the last Fall Out Boy CD I need for my collection. "
Needless to say Tuesday night I called him and told him I spoke with Gwen and I'd save him the trouble and broke up with him.
I've sinced cancelled the CD order.
You don't fuck with me and forget about it. He was my "purple-side" husband, Daisy is my daughter. She and I both are agreeing I am getting an "anullment" (sp?).
I have a pseudo-date with my "Cuddle Buddy" Zach tonight. We are going to the coffee house in Montevallo before he goes to his play practice. Then Erin, Alesha, Rachel, Sarah and I are going to the Drag Prom. Then after he get out of practice he and I are going to watch Empire Records.
I have to go get my EKG done now.
More later.
Oh, and I want postcards and letters!! If poptard can do it, I can too!
Frankie Miles aka Perkygoth
po box 2655
tuscaloosa, al 35403
He was a real asshole to me in the end and now that I look at it.
He had the nerve to tell my BEST FRIEND why he wasn't talking to me.
This is a summary of what he said:
"So, she talkings constantly about random shit that no one cares about, especially me. She never shuts up and doesn't get the hint to when anyone sneaks around it."[/b[
Gwen said: "So, why haven't you broken up with her then?
Kyle: "Well she ordered me a CD for my birthday and it's the last Fall Out Boy CD I need for my collection. "
Needless to say Tuesday night I called him and told him I spoke with Gwen and I'd save him the trouble and broke up with him.
I've sinced cancelled the CD order.

You don't fuck with me and forget about it. He was my "purple-side" husband, Daisy is my daughter. She and I both are agreeing I am getting an "anullment" (sp?).
I have a pseudo-date with my "Cuddle Buddy" Zach tonight. We are going to the coffee house in Montevallo before he goes to his play practice. Then Erin, Alesha, Rachel, Sarah and I are going to the Drag Prom. Then after he get out of practice he and I are going to watch Empire Records.
I have to go get my EKG done now.
More later.
Oh, and I want postcards and letters!! If poptard can do it, I can too!
Frankie Miles aka Perkygoth
po box 2655
tuscaloosa, al 35403
i'll send you a card. but you better respond or i'll send you anthrax