I am drunk. Right now. Right here. I had three shots of whatever they sold me at the quicky store and a whole bottle of MD Blue-Raspberry. Things are blurry and moving to quickly for my eyes to follow. I blink and it's a whole 2 seconds later that I realize I blinked.
I did a "Soundtrack of my Life" thingie earlier, posted below.
I have a boyfriend, his name is Kyle. (this is where in insert the Bif Naked song Twitch)
He is awesome and a doll. He called me 'babe' today and said I give him butterflies. *giggle* I miss him dearly. He lives in Woodstock, AL. Not on campus, it makes me very sad. I got us rings today, just for fun cause I'm corny like that. His ring has a scorpion, mine has some tribal design on it, also a spinner ring (or as my friend Liz calls them 'ADD rings'), I got them at the quicky store when I got the shots. *giggles again* I'm dorky shut up.
Aren't we cute??
I think our song will be "This Ain't A Scene, It's an Arms Race" by Fall Out Boy, we are both obsessed with that band and that song.
I took my friends to the Sally's Beauty Suppy Store near school and he went with us. We sat in the car and just stared at each other and kissed while they ran in. I was scratching behind his head and looked at him and asked, "What am I gonna do with you?"
He shook his head and was like, "What did you say?"
"What am I gonna do with you..." i respond.
"That is fucked up.. i just thought that, seriously."
We laughed.
Soundtrack of My Life
OPENING CREDITS: Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah"
WAKING-UP SCENE: Ingram Hill- "Almost Perfect"
AVERAGE-DAY SCENE: Kasey Chambers- "If I Were You"
BEST-FRIEND SCENE: Gretchen Wilson- "Redneck Woman"
FIRST-DATE SCENE: Air- "Playground Love"
FALLING-IN-LOVE SCENE:Nickel Creek- "Reasons Why"
LOVE SCENE: Foo Fighters- "Darling Nikki"
FIGHT-WITH-FRIEND SCENE: Disturbed- "Bodies"
BREAK-UP SCENE:Pussycat Dolls - "Wait A Minute"
GET-BACK-TOGETHER SCENE: Daughtry- "It's Not Over"
FIGHT-AT-HOME SCENE: Blue October -"Hate Me Today"
LIFE'S OKAY" SCENE: The Strokes- "What Ever Happened"
HEARTBREAK SCENE: Eminem- "Lose Yourself"
MENTAL-BREAKDOWN SCENE: Amanda Clements- "I Don't Wanna Be Me"
DRIVING SCENE: Paul Oakenfield Ft. Brittney Murphy -"Faster Kill Pussycat"
LESSON-LEARNED SCENE:Garrison Starr- "Serves Me Right"
DEEP-THOUGHT SCENE: Bif Naked -"Nothing Else Matters"
FLASHBACK SCENE: Mazzy Star- "Fade Into You"
HAPPY DANCE SCENE: Fergie- "Fergalicious"
REGRET SCENE Dixie Chicks- "Not Ready to Make Nice"
LONG-NIGHT-ALONE SCENEEvanescence- "Everybody's Fool"
DEATH SCENE: Kasey Chambers - " Million Tears"
CLOSING CREDITS: Joni Mitchell- "Case of You"
So yeah, that's my week round up and I'm going to have another drink and a ciggie. <3
<3 <3 Frankie Star <3 <3
Song: "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" - Fall Out Boy
I did a "Soundtrack of my Life" thingie earlier, posted below.
I have a boyfriend, his name is Kyle. (this is where in insert the Bif Naked song Twitch)
He is awesome and a doll. He called me 'babe' today and said I give him butterflies. *giggle* I miss him dearly. He lives in Woodstock, AL. Not on campus, it makes me very sad. I got us rings today, just for fun cause I'm corny like that. His ring has a scorpion, mine has some tribal design on it, also a spinner ring (or as my friend Liz calls them 'ADD rings'), I got them at the quicky store when I got the shots. *giggles again* I'm dorky shut up.

Aren't we cute??
I think our song will be "This Ain't A Scene, It's an Arms Race" by Fall Out Boy, we are both obsessed with that band and that song.
I took my friends to the Sally's Beauty Suppy Store near school and he went with us. We sat in the car and just stared at each other and kissed while they ran in. I was scratching behind his head and looked at him and asked, "What am I gonna do with you?"
He shook his head and was like, "What did you say?"
"What am I gonna do with you..." i respond.
"That is fucked up.. i just thought that, seriously."
We laughed.
Soundtrack of My Life
OPENING CREDITS: Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah"
WAKING-UP SCENE: Ingram Hill- "Almost Perfect"
AVERAGE-DAY SCENE: Kasey Chambers- "If I Were You"
BEST-FRIEND SCENE: Gretchen Wilson- "Redneck Woman"
FIRST-DATE SCENE: Air- "Playground Love"
FALLING-IN-LOVE SCENE:Nickel Creek- "Reasons Why"
LOVE SCENE: Foo Fighters- "Darling Nikki"
FIGHT-WITH-FRIEND SCENE: Disturbed- "Bodies"
BREAK-UP SCENE:Pussycat Dolls - "Wait A Minute"
GET-BACK-TOGETHER SCENE: Daughtry- "It's Not Over"
FIGHT-AT-HOME SCENE: Blue October -"Hate Me Today"
LIFE'S OKAY" SCENE: The Strokes- "What Ever Happened"
HEARTBREAK SCENE: Eminem- "Lose Yourself"
MENTAL-BREAKDOWN SCENE: Amanda Clements- "I Don't Wanna Be Me"
DRIVING SCENE: Paul Oakenfield Ft. Brittney Murphy -"Faster Kill Pussycat"
LESSON-LEARNED SCENE:Garrison Starr- "Serves Me Right"
DEEP-THOUGHT SCENE: Bif Naked -"Nothing Else Matters"
FLASHBACK SCENE: Mazzy Star- "Fade Into You"
HAPPY DANCE SCENE: Fergie- "Fergalicious"
REGRET SCENE Dixie Chicks- "Not Ready to Make Nice"
LONG-NIGHT-ALONE SCENEEvanescence- "Everybody's Fool"
DEATH SCENE: Kasey Chambers - " Million Tears"
CLOSING CREDITS: Joni Mitchell- "Case of You"
So yeah, that's my week round up and I'm going to have another drink and a ciggie. <3
<3 <3 Frankie Star <3 <3
Song: "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" - Fall Out Boy
Better be good or I'll get someone to whip his ass for you!