Another reminder... It's my birthday tomorrow ^.~
So... Yeah... Send me pics of your cats ^.^
I've organized my next set!!! ^.^
I'm very excited to do it!!!
I just need to get my moneys together though ^.^
I hope you like it >>.<<
Yeaaaah BIRTHDAY! ^.~
So on Wednesday morning, 7-10AM, myself, my friend Alex, and a few of the girls from Sydney Grrrls Club (and a few SG Hopefuls @billie_ and @aubreyx) went down to #Sunrise #channel7 to have a peaceful "protest" as a result of the offensive things one of "Kochie's Angels" said about tattoos and tattooed women in particular!!
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The newspaper that I told you about which I have been informed is called "Central" and can be bought off the street in front of a few shops/stores on Oxford Street (Sydney)!!
The newspaper will include @billie_, @aubreyx and myself, and a few photo inserts of @pebblezink.
I'm sorry I haven't been very active recently >. <
I'm super busy with uni assignments and exams ALREADY! O.O
Someone told me uni is easier than tafe... They lied.
Anyway... I'm thinking of starting a uni radio which will be exciting if I can get it! ^.^
I haven't the first clue about hosting a radio station but I'm excited to try it none...
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Where to start, where to start?!
>. <"
The only thing I'm currently able to do is make a list of things and then I can articulate myself better when I'm not over excited about all the things!! ^.^"
1. I got a girlfriend ^.^" (That happened a while ago but I forgot to tell you >. <")
2. I got into Uni!!! (not...
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Tonight I was in a VIDEO shoot!! ^.^
It was very exciting!!
My friend is making a video with catgirls/catboys acting out different cat memes ^.^
And I was "Cat drinks water from tap" ^.^
If you don't know what that is, here is a link: clicky click here yes
Stills from the video shoot should be up soon so I'll be posting them to...
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