so i saw shaun of the dead tonight. hahaha! it makes me laugh just thinking about it! it was really good and even scary at times. there were like fifteen people in the theatre and i was the only girl and of course i screamed at this stupid scary part and all the boys in the theatre laughed at me. i hid in my boyfriends armpit until the laughing subsided.
on a completely different note, i have been tormenting myself with boredom the last few days. the result, a very moody and restless me. argh! this is what happens: i start to get bored and then my boredom starts to eat me and then all of a sudden i'm sliding quickly through the intestinal tracts of boredom only to be shit out into a nice neat little pile of self-pity. so there i wallow thinking about all the things i could be doing but am not because i'm much to bored to do it. it's become a completely debilitating disorder. so i blame my friends for moving to toronto (every bloody, fucking one of them) or my boyfriend for "making" me stay in this silly little city of mine and then i get mad and disgruntled. hey! we all place the blame where it doesn't belong once in a while.
oh god, this journal entry is much too pathetic to live. it must die! die a horrible and bloody death. but i'm gonna post it anyway just so i can remind myself of how sad and abject this behavior is. and hopefully next time boredome starts to open it's large and festering mouth i'll just get off my lazy ass and do something.
ps- i'm going to ralph's place tomorrow night, halifax's one and only nudie girl palace!!!!!!!!! i'm very excited.
on a completely different note, i have been tormenting myself with boredom the last few days. the result, a very moody and restless me. argh! this is what happens: i start to get bored and then my boredom starts to eat me and then all of a sudden i'm sliding quickly through the intestinal tracts of boredom only to be shit out into a nice neat little pile of self-pity. so there i wallow thinking about all the things i could be doing but am not because i'm much to bored to do it. it's become a completely debilitating disorder. so i blame my friends for moving to toronto (every bloody, fucking one of them) or my boyfriend for "making" me stay in this silly little city of mine and then i get mad and disgruntled. hey! we all place the blame where it doesn't belong once in a while.
oh god, this journal entry is much too pathetic to live. it must die! die a horrible and bloody death. but i'm gonna post it anyway just so i can remind myself of how sad and abject this behavior is. and hopefully next time boredome starts to open it's large and festering mouth i'll just get off my lazy ass and do something.

ps- i'm going to ralph's place tomorrow night, halifax's one and only nudie girl palace!!!!!!!!! i'm very excited.
I saw The Grudge over the weekend. If you go see that, make sure you take your boyfriend along. You will need him.