I drank last night.
I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in a matter of hours.
Usually it takes me a week.
I'm really only a social smoker.
Last night I wasn't a fun drunk.
I wasn't talking much.
Just stared at everyone from my corner while chain smoking.
It was bittersweet to see my sister and Kenny making out all over the place.
Sweet because they are so goofy, funny, happy in love.
Bitter because I want that!
Woke up next to Mattagascar
but my clothes were on
always a good sign.
My sister left me there.
I had to wait for Matt to wake up to take me home
I waited all day
Fucker wouldn't get up
so Kenny and I watched soap operas all day.
I still feel yucky.
wow my day sucked.
Yesterday was better
let's pretend that it's yesterday
I picked up my nephew
and took him to Toy's R Us
We rode the harley bikes and the scooters,
I can't olley to save my life.
I pushed him around the store in a car / stroller doo-hickey.
And we played video games.
I am ruler of the spongebob video game.
We picked out him and my little sister some Playstation 2 games.
Only he thinks they're all for her.
I'm a Sneaky Snake.
Then we got ice cream
Then we played hide and seek.
That's what I need
A kid to play with me
That I can drop off at home when it's time to do his homework.
We want this.
I can't post a link directly to the commercial but it's on their website StinkbBlasters
And it involves the same little red-headed-freak-child on the box running around shooting people with poop juice.
My sister and I have a habit of playing cool aunt / mean aunt
I'm getting my nephews toys.
She's getting them socks and underwear,
you know, things they actually need.
What a drag.
Song of the Day: Van Halen - "Ice Cream Man"
All my flavors are guaranteed......to satis-uh-fy
Kenny was opening up to me and telling me stories from his youth. He told me this story:
He said when he was little he didn't have any money to buy stuff from the icecream man. So he would ride along with him and help him hand out icecreams. And he did other things for the icecream man....things that hurt...........
I didn't know what to say.
He just told me a bunch of other deep stories and I didn't know if he was lying or not.
"Kim I'm totally just fucking with you!"
I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in a matter of hours.
Usually it takes me a week.
I'm really only a social smoker.
Last night I wasn't a fun drunk.
I wasn't talking much.
Just stared at everyone from my corner while chain smoking.
It was bittersweet to see my sister and Kenny making out all over the place.
Sweet because they are so goofy, funny, happy in love.
Bitter because I want that!
Woke up next to Mattagascar
but my clothes were on
always a good sign.
My sister left me there.
I had to wait for Matt to wake up to take me home
I waited all day
Fucker wouldn't get up
so Kenny and I watched soap operas all day.
I still feel yucky.
wow my day sucked.
Yesterday was better
let's pretend that it's yesterday
I picked up my nephew
and took him to Toy's R Us
We rode the harley bikes and the scooters,
I can't olley to save my life.
I pushed him around the store in a car / stroller doo-hickey.
And we played video games.
I am ruler of the spongebob video game.
We picked out him and my little sister some Playstation 2 games.
Only he thinks they're all for her.
I'm a Sneaky Snake.
Then we got ice cream
Then we played hide and seek.
That's what I need
A kid to play with me
That I can drop off at home when it's time to do his homework.
We want this.

I can't post a link directly to the commercial but it's on their website StinkbBlasters
And it involves the same little red-headed-freak-child on the box running around shooting people with poop juice.
My sister and I have a habit of playing cool aunt / mean aunt
I'm getting my nephews toys.
She's getting them socks and underwear,
you know, things they actually need.
What a drag.
Song of the Day: Van Halen - "Ice Cream Man"
All my flavors are guaranteed......to satis-uh-fy
Kenny was opening up to me and telling me stories from his youth. He told me this story:
He said when he was little he didn't have any money to buy stuff from the icecream man. So he would ride along with him and help him hand out icecreams. And he did other things for the icecream man....things that hurt...........
I didn't know what to say.
He just told me a bunch of other deep stories and I didn't know if he was lying or not.
"Kim I'm totally just fucking with you!"
Flash_Gordon (don't try to click the link, he's too fast for you) made a man out of this little boy on 105 different occasions. And now I think I'm pregnant with his UNSTOPPABLE moon-cheese baby.
Viva la Corndog revelucion.
PS - DookieJones loves you.