I didn't do anything last night.
So this isn't going to make for a very interesting journal entry. But I trudge on anyways.
Had awesome pizza at this italian diner right next to my house. It had the red and white checkered table cloths with the frosted candle holder on the table and the Dean Martin playing on the radio. I liked it alot and I wonder why I've never been there. It's right next to my house and I've lived there 20+ years.
That sucks, that that's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in the past 24 hrs.
Tonight I'm going to be a cocktail waitress and I am so nervous. I've never done any waitressing before.
But I ate cheese so I can do this.
Only Unravled will know what I'm talking about here so let me 'splain.
I hate cheese, I'm terrrified of eating cheese and I'm always nervous when I go through drive thu's that they'll put it in my food.
I went to a restaurant, I asked for no cheese, they put cheese on it anyways. And instead of makign a big deal, I ate it.
I felt ill but I faced my fear.
Hurray me.
I hate that people can ruin a good song or a movie or even a place for you because you are reminded of them. What are some things that bad memories and bad people have ruined for you?
This band rocks my world, kudos to you if you know who they are without cheating.

So this isn't going to make for a very interesting journal entry. But I trudge on anyways.
Had awesome pizza at this italian diner right next to my house. It had the red and white checkered table cloths with the frosted candle holder on the table and the Dean Martin playing on the radio. I liked it alot and I wonder why I've never been there. It's right next to my house and I've lived there 20+ years.
That sucks, that that's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in the past 24 hrs.
Tonight I'm going to be a cocktail waitress and I am so nervous. I've never done any waitressing before.
But I ate cheese so I can do this.
Only Unravled will know what I'm talking about here so let me 'splain.
I hate cheese, I'm terrrified of eating cheese and I'm always nervous when I go through drive thu's that they'll put it in my food.
I went to a restaurant, I asked for no cheese, they put cheese on it anyways. And instead of makign a big deal, I ate it.
I felt ill but I faced my fear.
Hurray me.
I hate that people can ruin a good song or a movie or even a place for you because you are reminded of them. What are some things that bad memories and bad people have ruined for you?
This band rocks my world, kudos to you if you know who they are without cheating.

Whatever. You should have come, bitch.