Saw "Hero" with Cj, his sister and Brian. It was really good. It was deep and beautiful and visually it was wow! Kind of weird being with CJ's sister because I didn't want to do anything, like hold his hand or smack his ass because that's disrespectful to her. She's not like other 16 year olds I know, she seems older cuz she has a low, husky voice that makes her sound intelligent and a dry, sarcastic humor. She and I went in the car together to the movies because Brian was in a boys against girls mood. She likes Fiona Apple and I am obsessed with Fiona. She sings too, she wants to do Kareoke with me, yay! Finally I'm not the lone kareoke nerd. After the movie we went to Shorehouse. Afterwards they didn't want to go home yet, it was just too pretty a night so at 2:00am CJ's sister took us to Lookout Park, we'd never been there but it's awesome. There are wild bunnies everywhere and the equipment is so dangerous it's not like other parks where it's all about safety, you can get wrecked playing on this stuff. Rope ladders, 3 way see saws, spinning poles, slides that don't have any sides. Way cool! I took them back to the car at Starbucks and it 'was toilet papered, and verry well I might add, toilet paper weaved into the spokes on his rims. Obviously it was Ann and someone else. I went home at 3:00am and my little sister was still awake, she was having a slumber party and my other sister (Ann) took her and her friends toilet papering. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
i'll take your advice... i hid my shoes and all my breakables.. now i just have to figure out how to save my houseplants.