I took CJ to Spanky's last night. Spanky's is an adult shop. My sister called while we were on the way and asks us where we are and CJ says we're on Harbor Blvd. Ann says "Give the phone to Kim" so he hands it to me and she says in a scolding tone "You're taking him to Spanky's aren't you?" there's no use trying to lie to her.Today the first thing out of her mouth is "How big is CJ's penis?" We went swimming today with all the young'uns, and I haven't shaved for some time, I'm getting kinda grizzly. So Ann says, "Eww, you look like a chimp... .a Kimpanzee." That's bad because I went to CJ's looking like that, or it's really funny, I can't decide.
There's nothing wrong with going to a sex shop...as long as your not going there to work in one of the booths.
Sooo.....you didn't answer what's on everyones mind. How big IS CJ's penis?