I love being a nurse, but I hate incompitent people. I swear i was working on 3 diffrent units last night because the other "nurse" didnt know her ass from a hole in the ground. If she wasn't out whoring around she'd actually get sleep and quit bitching becasue she is tired.. Yeah I know of this female and I wonder how/ or even who let her get her licesence.. I'm simply amazed..
Oh newsflash. So I have found out Fallon's spermalogical father is all back to IV meth use and breeaking into cars to get money for his habit. Such a shame. But some habits are hard to break. I'm just amazed he was off of everything for the year and 1/2 we were together. thne as soon as I kick him out he gets started again.. no will power. Neddless to say Fallon will probably never know it and It's a shame for a child not to know his own "father" Pathetic actually..
Oh newsflash. So I have found out Fallon's spermalogical father is all back to IV meth use and breeaking into cars to get money for his habit. Such a shame. But some habits are hard to break. I'm just amazed he was off of everything for the year and 1/2 we were together. thne as soon as I kick him out he gets started again.. no will power. Neddless to say Fallon will probably never know it and It's a shame for a child not to know his own "father" Pathetic actually..

Sometimes it's better that way.