it's been a rather odd week. So a very old friend, I used to party with non stop while in high school, contacted me though myspace.. yeah I know rather cheesy I must say, but it happened.. here's a brief summary of what happend. I graduated high school, worked and went to the local community college for a couple of years. Ran off and got maried to a guy I barely knew.. which lead me to move to MAnhattan.. I haven't had any contact with anyone since I ran away.. then one day Mike pops up.. awkward.. But we have been texting a lot mainly about Fallon's little skin condtion and stuff of that sort.. Yesterday he tells me that he hopes that my exes didn't tear me down to much becasue he really misses me and wants to take our friendship to the next level.. Yeah HEllo couldn't something been said Umm I don't know 8 years ago?? So it's rather random and odd.. I'm supposed to have lunch with him on Tuesday, but I'm kinda weirded out by it all.
Go have lunch with him. Lunch is that casual date that says nothing really is expected except eating and conversation. Dinner is the one where the guy hopes to take it late and get some nookie, lol.